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Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

new year resolutions

Hello my lovelies!
Seeing as it's the new year, i thought i'd do my first post of the new year on my New Year Resolutions, beauty/fashion related and non-beauty related.

Beauty Resolutions

001) Take make up off everynight, even if really tired.
002) Create a new and improved skincare routine and stick to it.
003) Wash make up brushes regularly.
004) Discard of old make up (especially mascaras, i just hoard them all in my make up draw and never use them).
005) Try out different make up looks and blog more:)

Non-beauty Resolutions

001) Eat healthier and do more exercise.
002) Pay more attention at school.
003) Start to write a diary and write in it everyday.
004) Meet lana del rey when i see her in concert (i know it's more of an aim, than a resolution but shh).
005) Try to make a really good skirt in textiles at school, despite the fact i am awful at sewing and i knew i should have chosen food tech instead.

So guys, they are my New Year Resolutions for 2013 (2013 GUYS! OH MY, i feel like i am still living in 2010! Where does the time go, ey?)
hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment with your new year resolutions!

Olivia x