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Showing posts with label OOTD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OOTD. Show all posts

Outfit of the Day: Aztec

smock dress: asos, kate moss for rimmel lipstick in 107: boots, sunglasses: primark
Firstly, I apologise for the dodgey photos, they were the best from a bad bunch! Secondly, how cute is this smock dress?! I really wanted the elephant smock dress from ASOS that the lovely Tor was wearing at the FABB Bloggers Event in Manchester a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not the biggest dress wearer and wasn't too sure if the smock style would suit me. As everyone knows, ASOS have the most amazing sales so I had a look in the sale section for some smock style dresses and I found this little beauty! It was only £15 so I thought I'd give it a whirl and if I didn't like it, it wasn't the end of the world. Luckily, I adore it! I got in from the petite section in a size 4 as most size 6/8 dresses are always too long and make me look shorter than I actually I am, I was a bit worried it would be too small but it isn't at all and it is a bit longer than I hoped but I still love it! It's so comfortable, airy and light; perfect for this hot and humid weather we seem to be having! The photos don't give the dress any justice (again, sorry!) and you can't really see the shape of it unfortunately! Also from ASOS, I bought the Kate Moss for Rimmel Lipstick in 107, a gorgeous dark pinky berry shade (not very summery - I know) it was also in the sale for only £3.50 which is amazing! Not that they are expensive at full price either! Because the UK is currently experiencing a heatwave I have been wearing these tortoise shell wayfarer type style sunglasses from primark.

Hope you have a fab weekend, thank you for reading!



Outfit of the Day: Levis



vest - h&m, shorts - levis via ebay, belt - h&m, shoes - charles clinkard

So if you live in Britain you will know that it has been so hot recently and for once we are having an actual summer! I hope it stays like this for a while because I don't feel as though I've been able to make the most of the sun whilst being at school. We had sports day on Friday and whilst we were sitting on the field for 2 hours watching the track events, I burnt my arms and legs and have some crazy tan burn lines from where I was sat cross legged, haha. Yesterday I went on a bike ride with my home dogs friends which was great until some insect started attacking us - a negative of the hot weather! Tomorrow I have got a week of work experience which I am quite nervous for but also a bit excited! I am certainly not looking forward to having to wear trousers in this heat, I am wearing my mum's and all of them are flares haha!

Anyway, onto the outfit, I bought these shorts from ebay last year but I didn't get much wear out of them as they were (and still are) bloody huge on me, but I've paired them with a belt so that they will fit round my waist. The vest & sunglasses were featured in my recent haul and I have been wearing them both to death during the hot weather! I blogged about my shoes all the way back in February!! They are from Charles Clinkard and you can read about them here.

I hope you're all enjoying the hot weather!


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ootd // seeing double

Hey guys, hope you're all well!

grey tshirt - primark // denim jacket - primark // leggings - missguided // shoes - h&m

Okay, so if you have seen my previous ootd posts you have probably noticed that i do like doing the mirror effect thingy, so please excuse that if you don't like it. So today's outfit is really casual and comfy, and great for going from spring to summer! I bought these leggings a few days ago from, a COMPLETE impulse buy when i saw they had free delivery, and i couldn't wait to wear them! my only problem is that they can look a bit odd around the crotch area ha, and also you have to shave your legs before wearing them because the hairs stick out haha! but for only a tenner you can't go wrong really, and i think i will get a lot of use out of them when it's not hot enough to wear shorts in the summer (pretty much all the time in manchester). i have also been wearing this tshirt (featured in my haul) non stop! it's so comfy, and i bought my jacket last summer i think, but they have some really nice ones in primark at the moment!

So that's all from me, I probably should be revising, as I have spanish exams coming up and also my science mocks, but instead i'm eating jelly tots and bloggin' ah yeah

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!


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OOTD: barbie gal

hey guys!

hope you're all having a good start to the week! today i thought i'd do a quick OOTD from the weekend, i didn't actually go out anywhere apart from a bit of shopping and then did some baking at home which went surprisingly well (our scales our broken so i just guessed all the measurements ha).

barbie top - ebay 
joni jeans - topshop
chelsea boots (not pictured)  - topshop

Ahhhh i am in love with this crop top so much, and it's not even mine, it's my sisters. It is quite cropped so I think i will be only wearing it with high waisted bottoms as i'm not too confident in showing my whole midriff. The barbie top has long sleeves with a barbie 'graffiti' type print which i love so much ahh. i paired it with my topshop joni jeans, which don't look too flattering in the top photo haha. they are beginning to go white down the sides and i'm tempted to return them but i bought them a while ago so i'm not sure if they'd let me return them?! then the shoes that i'm wearing, which aren't shown, are my topshop chelsea boots which they don't sell anymore wahh. 

That's all for now, thank you for reading hope you enjoyed!


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OOTD: blue jeans, white shirt

hey guys!

today's post is going to be a quick outfit of the day! i tweeted, and i think i may have mentioned it in a blog post too, that i have swapped rooms with my sister, her room is a lot bigger than mine so now i will be able to do more outfit posts! I still have a lot of her stuff in my room but it's all going to be moved when her new furniture arrived! now, i'm incredibly sorry about the quality of these photos, i promise they will get better haha.

shirt - newlook (not available online)
jeans - primark
shoes (not shown) - barratts*

as you probably guessed by the title (also a lana del rey song.. *bursts out singing BLUE JEANS, WHITE SHIRT WALKED INTO THE ROOM YOU KNOW YOU MADE MY EYES BURN*) i'm wearing a white chiffon-y type shirt from newlook and some blue jeans from primark. these aren't my favourite jeans as they don't fit my legs well and tend to go baggy round my knees.. and also give you a bit of a camel toe so it's best to wear long-ish tops with them ha. the shirt is quite sheer so i popped a white vest under so it wasn't so revealing and also because of the terrible weather we're having at the moment. my make up and hair is pretty simple, i've just bunged my hair up in a bobble and then just some very natural make up.

that's all from me, thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Olivia x

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Hey lovelies..
So, I am so sorry for not blogging much during the week! I've had so much schoolwork and will continue to have quite a lot, but don't worry, I will still have time for blog posts!
On Friday I went to Frankie and Benny's for my friends birthday meal.I had a really good time so I thought I'd show you what I wore and what make up I had on.
back of the shorts
shorts - riverisland (not available anymore)
aztec print vest top - primark (not online)
leather jacket - H&M (here)
shoes - topshop - (not available anymore)
I also wore tights because it was very cold!

This is the make-up I had on..
revlon colorstay foundation
elf eyebrow kit
soap and glory bronzer
benefit badgal mascara
collection (or collection 2000) lasting perfection concealer.
benefit high beam
elf cream eyeliner in black

I will show you some pictures from last night..

thank you for reading, hope you have a good day!
Olivia x