vest - h&m, shorts - levis via ebay, belt - h&m, shoes - charles clinkard |
So if you live in Britain you will know that it has been so hot recently and for once we are having an actual summer! I hope it stays like this for a while because I don't feel as though I've been able to make the most of the sun whilst being at school. We had sports day on Friday and whilst we were sitting on the field for 2 hours watching the track events, I burnt my arms and legs and have some crazy tan burn lines from where I was sat cross legged, haha. Yesterday I went on a bike ride with my home dogs friends which was great until some insect started attacking us - a negative of the hot weather! Tomorrow I have got a week of work experience which I am quite nervous for but also a bit excited! I am certainly not looking forward to having to wear trousers in this heat, I am wearing my mum's and all of them are flares haha!
Anyway, onto the outfit, I bought these shorts from ebay last year but I didn't get much wear out of them as they were (and still are) bloody huge on me, but I've paired them with a belt so that they will fit round my waist. The vest & sunglasses were featured in my recent haul and I have been wearing them both to death during the hot weather! I blogged about my shoes all the way back in February!! They are from Charles Clinkard and you can read about them here.
I hope you're all enjoying the hot weather!