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Showing posts with label non-beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-beauty. Show all posts

25 facts about me

hello bloggers!

so, over the past couple of weeks i've been seeing a lot of '50 facts about me' and thought i'd jump on the bandwagon and do one myself, except i've opted for 25 facts about me, rather than 50 as i don't think i would even be able to think of 50 things about myself that could be of any interest to anyone - i think i will probably struggle with 25 too! So here we go..

  1. i recently got an A* on my GCSE english controlled assessment - wahoo!
  2. i have an unhealthy obsession with make up/fashion
  3. as much as i love wearing clothes, i am awful at making them - i am currently taking textiles for gcse, and i must admit, it's not going too well.
  4. i have a mole on my right foot and in primary school someone thought it was chocolate and tried to rub it off...haha
  5. i adore lana del rey and im going to see her in may eeek!
  6. i hate my nose and would do anything to change it
  7. i actually love writing and running my blog!
  8. i love the film Lolita, despite the odd and rather disturbing storyline, i think you can just really connect with the characters and you feel as if you know them
  9. i am actually so weird when with my friends!
  10. i am terrible at painting my nails
  11. i cannot walk in heels to save my life
  12. i love olives so much and once got a free one whilst at the german markets in my city center because i walked past and said my name was olivia and that i loved olives! haha!
  13. i am such a child (although im only 15 and that is considered to be a child) i love horrible histories haha!
  14. i love discovering new blogs!
  15. CHICKEN. love it.
  16. i hate gravy.
  17. i have a blackberry but would love an iPhone
  18. i got braces yesterday!
  19. i had to have 4 teeth out to get braces! (it wasn't fun)
  20. i only own one mac product!
  21. im hoping to buy more high end make up!
  22. i would love my job in the future to incorporate my love for beauty & fashion.
  23. i turn 16 in september, and really want to get myself a job!
  24. i love grease the musical and wish i had lived in the 1950s
  25. my boyfriend broke his collar bone playing rugby and now has to walk around wearing a sling, and can't put tshirts on properly.. slightly amusing.
So they are my facts! not very interesting but hope you enjoyed this little insight into my life!

thank you for reading and i'll see you in my next post!


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it's christmas!

..Are you hanging all your stockings on the wall?

Hello lovelies!
I just wanted to wish you a merry, merry Christmas!
Hope you're all having a great day (even if you don't celebrate Christmas!) and are watching all the festive programmes on TV!