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Showing posts with label weekly round up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly round up. Show all posts

Weekly(ish) Round Up #1: Kent, GCSE Results

Hello guys!

I hope you're all well and ready for the bank holiday weekend, hopefully the weather will be nice and the sun will make an appearance, a rare occasion in Manchester. I'm sorry for the lack of posts recently, I went on holiday last Thursday and forgot to schedule any posts, but I will be posting a lot more regularly from now on!

Although I haven't done all of my exams yet, I did my Spanish GCSE a year early and I picked the results up earlier today and got an A*!! I am so pleased (and extremely relieved), and as far as I know, the whole class has done well!

As I said, last Thursday I went on holiday to Kent with my mum and my sister. We stayed with my Grandma in Hythe and then spent a couple of days with my dad who lives in Ashford. Every time we go down there we always have such a good time and do so many cool things! Every summer we have to go in the sea, it has almost become a sort of tradition, my Uncle Colin also has a canoe so we go in that too if the sea isn't too choppy and rough! Probably the majority of my family live in Kent, so we often get to see a lot of relatives which is really nice! We got to see my cousin Sarah and her baby boy, Rocco, he is only 1 and so cute! Another thing I love about going to Hythe is that we always have really nice food, my Aunty Jane is amazing at cooking so we always have a massive feast at some point too, often more than one! We also went to see an Elvis Presley tribute act on Hythe Military Canal which was quite funny and good entertainment seeing as though it was free! Whilst staying with my Dad, Sue and my little sister Beth in Ashford, we went roller skating (I was the one that fell over, obviously!), we visited Herne Bay which is a real touristy sea side town, we went to American Diner where I felt like Lana Del Rey and we also went to the White Horse in Bislington to celebrate my sister's A Levels (A* A A), my meal was huge and I felt as though I could barely walk after!

I will include some photos from my holiday to show how much fun we had and also no one likes a post with no pictures! ;)

Elvis Presley tribute act
my sister and I in the sea!

Hanging off the boat as Uncle Colin rows away
in the sea.. I promise I'm not drowning

blue sky (plus a few clouds)

my mum with her windmill haha